Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Back to Work and Breastfeeding

Well, I'm at it again -boobs out in the carpark! 

(Not that I'm not being accommodated by my employer
- it's just little miss would be very distracted anywhere else so the car works best for us.)

My 4th baby turned 11 months on the day I went back to work and she's no tiny baby anymore, I suppose :( I teach in a local school so that means I work very regular hours, with no commute and I can bring some of my planning and preparation work home with me at 3 if I need to (though I find I get it done a lot faster if I stay on a while). Fortunately my other half is able to mind the children...for now at least, so I'm not stressing about childcare and lunch in the car and a quick feed is possible on the days I'm not on yard duty. I'm lucky to have a job that I really enjoy and that makes going there quite a bit easier. I'm back to work for the last term of the year which is just 11 weeks to our summer holidays - I can survive that for sure. 

I shouldn't be feeling sorry for myself at all...and I'm not now that I'm back. 

I'm actually enjoying the peace and quiet at school (the teachers who don't have their own kids are laughing at home being noisier than school), getting to the loo on my own, hot coffee and a meal without someone on my lap. I get to meet other grownups briefly at lunchtime too. I'm getting back into the swing of it and I love what I do. I really do. I'd forgotten that and had been stressed at the thought of going back though I have done it 3 times before now and I knew it would all be fine. It is fine. If I'm perfectly honest it's easier than being at home full time....but having said that I miss my baby and my boys. (Not to exclude my eldest, but she's got the same school hours as I do so I see just as much of her.)

I suppose some might have preconceived ideas of "bfing mammies staying at home", but I'm certainly not alone in being a working mum who is still BFing. There are currently 1,474 of us on "Back to work and Breastfeeding". It helps to know I'm not the only one. It is a quieter group considering the membership. There are about 4 new threads a day. As you might imagine, there isn't a lot of time for the working BFing mammy to be chatting online and when she does have time to herself she'll surely want to talk about something other than work or boobs. It's great to have a group of 1474 others who are in roughly the same boat. 

Topics include:
-equality at work
-escaping work
-leaky boobs at work
-plans to return soon

If you are interested you might like to join us here!

I'm also very relieved to know that I have another group for the days when it all gets a bit much and I'm being neither a good mom nor a good teacher -you might like that one too. I'm often very reluctant to add new members as I know some of you are so super!! We all have our bad days I suppose!

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