Friday, 6 September 2013

Corcaigh abú

I love being back to work, mostly because it means I'm back in Cork. I won't say I feel like a "Corkonian" or anything that extreme now, as I wouldn't dream of supporting anyone other than the Kingdom (that's the official thermometer for those "where are you from" questions). Cork is definitely our second favorite county and we're happy for *them to win -when Kerry are out of the running. We prefer living here in Cork to living in Kerry, mostly because there is enough going on here to keep us busy. Of course it is nice to head west every so often too and we do miss having our families that bit closer -they are mostly all in Kerry.

The Rebel County!!
In Cork there are plenty of options for us and the kids -we haven't tried everything yet! Perhaps more importantly for a Facebook addicted Mama who works in her "offline-time", there are also plenty of local groups on facebook -it keeps me in touch with things and it feels semi real since I've met a  lot of the people I converse with in person. There are plenty of members in each of these groups. To be honest I don't feel odd here at all, even with my BFing, cloth nappies and all the rest. The facebook groups help with that, more than anyone might imagine.

Cork moms with a bit of an alternative twist to their parenting style seem to be a well connected village compared to those in Limerick, Galway or even Dublin. I've often wondered why this might be and I've put it down to two or maybe three things: Breastfeeding Mammies in Cork (on facebook), Babywearing Ireland and the real life breastfeeding support networks: LLL and Cuidiú!

No No!!! It's the groups!!

Whatever the reason, I thought I'd put a list together of my favourites, just to show that I'm not all that odd afterall -there are plenty others just as bad!! (Please don't think I started them all now, credit is due else where for most).

 Shortlist of my favourite FB Groups for Cork

Cuidiú Cork 427 members

Best of luck on Sunday!! 

We're behind you all the way....
.... and that's saying something with our Kerry blood!

Have I missed any Cork groups that you love?

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